We all know that Street food is very popular in Mumbai,One among those sinful delicacies is this delicious and simple Vegetable Sandwich.One can get to see atleast 3 to 4 Sandwich waalas standing in every lane here in Mumbai.These sandwiches taste amazing with the smell of fresh butter on it.Here comes this simple recipe..
6 Whole wheat Bread slices or regular sandwich bread
1 Potato, boiled and thinly sliced rounds
1 Beetroot, boiled and thinly sliced rounds
1/2 cucumber,thinly sliced rounds with skin on
1 capsicum,de seeded and thinly sliced rounds
1 onion,thinly sliced rounds
1 Tomato,thinly sliced rounds
1/4 cup Green Chutney
1 tsp Chaat masala
Miracle Whip,the magic ingredient
Salt to taste

- Apply green chutney on one side of all the bread slices.
- Arrange the thinly sliced vegetables on each bread slice and sprinkle salt and chaat masala over it generously.
- Form a three-tier sandwich and apply butter on the outer slices and grill it until its crisp and golden brown in color.
- Remove the top slice and spread/pour the miracle whip over it and cover with the removed slice.Apply butter on top of it and sprinkle some chaat masala over it.
- Cut it into half in Triangle shaped Toast or else it can be cut into 9 pieces.

- Green Chutney is a simple blend of mint and coriander leaves with green chillies,salt,sugar and lemon juice.
- Adding of miracle whip is completely optional.That is my personal touch as I feel the taste of the sandwich is really enhanced by the miracle whip.
- You can even place a cheese slice on one of the layers of the bread before grilling it which will make this taste even better.
and to "Show me your breakfast" Event by Divya of Dil se
and this also goes to "EFM Theme - Breakfast Series" @ Srish Kitchen.
Note Updated:
As many of you are not aware of this Miracle Whip, I would like to share its picture which will be more helpful to spot it easily in your Grocery Store.As it is not available in India easily I generally ask my husband to pick it up for me on his business trips and I am sure you guys get it easily in our local American Grocery Stores.Try adding this to Sandwiches , burgers and rolls which makes it taste even better.

Wow that just look beautiful, colourful and so so yumm delicous.
Oh i love vegetable grilled sandwiches..you have brought so many memories back...
Wow!!! that looks so delicious.. feel like having one now :)
This is bringing my memory back! I love this as my breakfast almost everyday when I was in Mumbai. This looks so flavourful and yumm.
I agree.. i add some mayonnaise too and it really makes a difference. Have never added beets before.. Looks awesome Prathiba.
Beautiful, colourful and too delicious!
Lovely looking sandwich.. just drooling over here :-D
colorful and yummy sandwich..
Wow that is a delicious sandwich. Used to have it lots when I was at Pune! So tempting..I need to make it soon!
wow looks so tempting and inviting.
Veg sandwich looks awesome..nice clicks especially the first one..
yummulicious...you have bought all my memories back..I remember hogging veg.grilled sandwiches near Mithibai college in mubmai..I wish i can go back to those days again..
Nice entry!
Absolutely delish sandwich:)Drooling.....
This is one of my favorite type of sandwiches, looks perfect !
woow ! delicious :) Thanks for sharing :)
Looking so wonderful and yummy. Its our fav too prathy i do the same but one diff is i will toast the bread and stuff those things. ANd since we are eating egg i will keep the egg slice too. Pictures are looking great great.. And what is that miracle whip..
Adding beetroot is new to me but I bet it will give wonderfulcolor and taste to the sandwich...gorgeous..
Ooooooh-this brings back such wonderful memories.I grew up in Mumbai and very close to a college.There would be these carts selling these sandwiches parked on our road.These used to be a fave-my mom never allowed us to eat from the cart's,she would make these herself!!
Those are beautiful grill marks! I wish I had a press!
ooooooh! this looks delicious..feel like eating it rite now!
this is really a healthy and yummy breakfast prathibha...
so simple yet so yummy! now I will have to google to frind whats 'miracle whip'!!
you are absolutely right...the butter makes the sandwich awesome. BTW, love the green look of the chutney. Thanks for the entry :)
Simply superb. Beautiful color combinations.
Yum and colorful.. You have done a great job...
Looks nice..have bookmarked this..If u r interested in tamilnadu style bread sandwich..u can have a look at my blog;)
Hey! You really cracked the original Mumbai street sandwich. Sounds great.
perfect breakfast for me looks so tempting nice pic.
Prath, the sandwich makes me drool n nostalgic..we used to get fab sandwich outside my office, it used to b almost a daily fare! :D I m truly ogling at the first pic n collage..perfect!! (Wd you be interested in sending the first image to Jugalbandi blog for CLICK? Layer is the theme this month n this drooler fits fine! :D ITS BEAUTIFULLY CLICKED!!)
hi pratibha,
wow!delectable veg sandwich...I love grilled ones :)
Prath, chk their rules blog..ur image size shd be small, byte-wise and if any doubts, send Bee an email to chk. I hv no doubts on this lovely image as an entrant! Tks for ur prompt reply! And thks for intro. to this whip.
Hey try Mayo-chili frm Knorr brand, its just like this brand you use, or add the chilli flakes to this. The taste is amazing!
Looks colorful and yummy. Drool worthy.
wow..that looks delicious
I love the combi. of green chutney and cucumber,classic:)
I always admire north Indian style sandwich because it uses our veggies in a geat way and spicy!
Wow...that looks so delicious...I want to grab of those sandwiches right now :)
Hi ..
First time here ..Perfect sandwich ..Lovely blog
Oh wow my favourite sandwich.....looks completely drool worthy.....
hummmm they look verry good !!!
that's all I like
Oh prathy yah now i am able to know what is that magic ingredient. Thanks dear and this i have at my home slightly variated mayo.. I use this for salads and making sandwichs as you said really it gives richness to the sand and salad.
I used to make almost same way..this looks yummmy.....nice pics
sandwich looks awesome..
Sandwich is very tempting.
Bombay sandwich..who wud love it better than me..ym yum yum!!
Wow.. thats a colourful and delicious sandwich!
wow, total mumbaiya, very yummy pictures, Thanks for sharing.
that's a lovely sandwich Prathibha! looks so good :)
Anything Mumbai gets my attention.:)
Mumbai street food- my fav kind of food...like 'em all!
love this, Prathy. i've bookmarked it :)
grilled sandwiches are a must at our home. I make a point to prepare them on a saturday or sunday.will try your version soon. it looks soo much drool worthy. Thanks for sharing.
first time to your blog, you have amazing yummy recipes. I love the masala dosa... i kept looking at it for a while :) yummy
where can i get miracle hip in mumbai?
I really dont know where we get miracle whip in mumbai,I generally get it from outside India.But I think you can check crawford market or hypercity for it.otherwise substitute simple mayonnaise with that.However the miracle whip is completely optional in the sandwich.You can make even without it.
Tasty sandwich Prathibha. I tried it last night and it was awesome. Please do see my version of recipe too and dont forget to leave comments.
Hey this is very very yummy looking...love the shapes...and the cream sauces..Miss them a lot :(
First time here...u have a nice blog..Loved all ur recipe!!!
Can you specify what brand of grill you used in making this sandwich?
@anonymous ...I used philips(which has three types of attachments) for this
These sandwiches are a hit at our house! They are tasty, easy to make and very filling. Great job!
Mayonnaise has been available in India for decades! One doesn't need Miracle Whip which is just a cheap imitation mayo.
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