1 pound(240 gms) fresh strawberries
2/3 cup(130gms) Sugar
1 cup(240gms) curd/yogurt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice

- Tie the yogurt in a muslin cloth overnight(atleast 2-3 hrs) and keep it in the refrigerator to get thick creamy and cheesy yogurt.
- Roughly chop strawberries and toss them in sugar and keep it aside for 1/2 hr until the sugar dissolves completely and make the strawberries look still red.Toss in between a couple of times.
- Blend the strawberry mixture and strain it in a strainer.I did not strain as I wanted to enjoy the fruit completely.So,this step of straining is optional to you if you do not like seeds in the dessert.
- Add lemon juice and hung curd to it and blend again to a smooth mixture.Check the sweetness at this point and add extra sugar if needed according to your taste.
- Pour the mixture in the ice cream maker and let it run in the freezer until you get thick,creamy and luscious frozen yogurt.The time taken by the ice cream maker depends completely on the brand of the maker but it helps in getting ice free frozen yogurt/ice cream.(If you do not have the ice cream maker,you freeze the strawberry mixture in a plastic box and blend it after it hardens,repeat the process 4 to 5 times until you get ice-free frozen desset.)
- Remove it from the ice cream maker and store it in a plastic box in the freezer.